SPASCIANI carrying frame self-contained breathing apparatus
Spasciani Industrial self-contained breathing apparatus RN.
RN is a portable self-contained breathing apparatus suitable for maintenance operations in chemical and industrial plants, for rescue operations and generally in all cases where there is or may be oxygen deficiency.
Note: Mask, Dispenser and Cylinder to be ordered separately
Politiche per la sicurezza (modificale con il modulo Rassicurazioni cliente)
Politiche per le spedizioni (modificale con il Modulo rassicurazioni cliente)
Politiche per i resi merce (modificale con il Modulo rassicurazioni cliente)
Spasciani Industrial self-contained breathing apparatus RN.
RN is a portable self-contained breathing apparatus suitable for maintenance operations in chemical and industrial plants, for rescue operations and generally in all cases where there is oxygen deficiency. RN is equipped with an automatic insertion dispenser that keeps the pressure inside the faceplate positive, preventing any possible entry of external air inside the mask. The backrest is made of robust thermoformed polypropylene and is anatomically shaped to allow a comfortable distribution of weights and remain firmly on the back of the operator, even during bending. The support straps are equipped with padding to increase comfort and can be equipped, on request, with a padded kidney strap. Special handles allow easy transport. RN has a pressure reducer that keeps the outlet pressure constant as the pressure in the cylinder changes. It is connected to a class 1.6 (EN 837:1) phosphorescent easy-to-read pressure gauge with a BAR and PSA scale and has three coloured areas of exhaustion.
Data sheet
Data sheet
- Weight
- Apparatus complete with mask and steel cylinder ± 14 Kg
- Dimensions
- Cylinder in cardboard box - 710 x 150 x 160 mm
If the appliance is placed on a single surface - 310 x 640 x 210 mm
If the device is packed without a cylinder in a cardboard box - 710 x 210 x 460 mm - Construction material
- Backrest - Thermoformed polypropylene
Padded belts - Tubular made of self-extinguishing fibres and expanded elastomer;
Reducer - Pressed and chrome-plated brass alloy; - Pressure reducer
- Piston with compensator
- Alarm activator pressure
- 55 ± 5 bar
- Automatic dispenser
- In it you will find the integrated alarm system and the additional button aria
Shipping & Returns
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